Monday, July 21, 2014

Goodbye Phoenix!

Hi Ladies,
Not sure if any of you've noticed, but I've been really behind on keeping up with my comments lately and I haven't been blog hopping as much as I would like. :('s because I've got great news!! I've been interviewing for a new job this month and I finally got and accepted the offer! I'm moving to San Francisco!!!!! SCREAM!!! :) Actually, I'm moving to a suburb, but that's close enough. :)

Also, I move this weekend, so OMG...things are crazy! I had just moved into a new apartment in phoenix about 4 months ago and wanted to share some pics, so I figured I'd better do it now before it's too late.

My Bedroom
Bedroom (this is the same dresser that had all my jewelry's just empty because it's staged for

I'm gonna miss my Living Room the most. I have the world's most comfortable's perfect for sleeping on, plus I love all the colors! My new place is smaller (much, much smaller), so I think I will go with more pastels. I can't wait to decorate!

Plus, my living room had these huge, gorgeous windows that me (and my cats) love :)
Here's a little DIY project I kind of barely counts as DIY, bc it was so simple, but I wanted to cover this big bare wall. I bought these circle decals from Target for about $20. I think I"ll be doing a decal headboard in my new place and maybe some of the reusable wallpaper.
This is what it looked like afterwards.

Bye Ya'll! I expect this to settle down in the next couple weeks, so I'll talk to you soon :)


  1. Good luck with the move!! And if I had to move back to the Bay Area I'd definitely want to live in the East Bay. Walnut Creek is really nice. Hope you love it and mostly hope that you enjoy your new job! Congrats on that too!
    Gina -- On the Daily Express

  2. Congrats on the new job and the move. Love San Fran, great city! Traveling Mercies!

    1. Thank you...I survived, but there was a lot of praying in between :)

  3. Super duper congrats! Wow - moving this weekend?! Love the old place. Can't wait to see what you do with your new place! Happy Travels!

    1. Yes...crazy...I survived though! I'm finishing decorating now...can't wait to finish so I can post pics :)

  4. Oh wow... these are really amazing news and I'm sooooo happy for you girl!
    Hope your new place will be even more beautiful than the current flat.
    Wish you lots of luck with the new job and home! :))

    Lu |

  5. Congrats on the new job! San Francisco is such an amazing city! I really like how you decorated but it is fun to have a new clean slate to work on!

    P.S. How did your cat get up there?!

    Nicole to the Nines

    1. Thank you ! She the first night she lept down on the floor! It must have been 20 feet. She kinda went splat, but then got up and walked's good to be a cat! :)

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