Friday, July 11, 2014

A Few Kitty Pics

Hi Ladies,
Today's topic doesn't have anything to do with fashion (maybe it has something to do with petites??), but I wanted to share some cute pictures of my kitties. I left this lemon colored comforter out and look who crawled in and posed? I couldn't have bribed, cajoled or threatened them to sit there, but they willingly went...I'm considering patenting this technique. :)

Minnie "The Silent Sidler"

Mary "The Monster"

Goodnite ya'll!

Linking up with:


  1. Replies
    1. Hey Mill - I meant to text that I was posting pictures of the babies...glad you saw them :)

  2. How sweet! I hope you have an awesome weekend!

  3. how cute maybe yours can meet my frankie the snowshoe siamese who thinks he's a german shepperd thanks for sharing have a great weekend

    1. Oh, I would love to see pictures of Frankie!! Do you have any posted? He sounds like a cutie :)

  4. Kitties!!!! Omg - I want to reach through the screen and rub Mary on her check and scoop up Minnie. I know I have probably told you a hundred times already but we called Penelope - Minnie - before we decided to keep her. She was one of 5 kittens ( 3 black cats and 2 tortie cats) that I TNR'd and she was the last one left to find a forever home. We fell in love and kept her. Your Minnie looks just like Penelope! Aaaccckkk I can't stand the cuteness!!!!

    1. Thank you!!! I remember you telling me that now :) What made you decide to call her Minnie? I did it bc she was so small and had a little, squeaky voice :) They do have the cutest cheeks :) Eek!

  5. Two beautiful princesses :)) Very cute and lovely fluffs xx

    Lu |

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