Friday, May 23, 2014

Thoughts on Acid Wash...

As a woman who came into her "fashion prime" during the 90s, I was raised to hate acid wash. Acid wash and teased bangs are the stuff of 80s "teenage angst" movies, not the stuff of the modern 90s. Now, I am aware that the 90s are now considered "old school". However, I'm still shocked to see acid wash at the GAP!! Sure, H&M has been dabbling in it for a while, but they always kept it on the top floor, in the dark, next to the neon bodysuits. But the Gap? They are the bastion of normalcy in America...they don't do edgy! They stay in the middle of the road and are good at what they what does it mean when they have acid wash all over their site? Does this mean that I will wind up wearing it too? NEVER! 

What about you? Where do you stand? :)
Is Acid Wash Making a Comeback?


  1. I think they are. I've been seeing them here in London since months.
    I almost considered getting a pair of acid washed jeggings for myself, but then I decided not to :P


    1. Yeah, they are definitely tricky to style...let me know if you get them :)

  2. Not keen on it, BUT that jacket is really cute. Might have to try this trend!

    1. You and Gina are making me re-think the jacket...I really like the cute/style and I guess it's more "bleached" than "acid washed". Let me know if you get it :)

  3. I haven't done acid wash (this time around)...but if I found the right piece I might. I agree with Robin- that jacket is really cute and could tempt me to test out the bleach-filled waters. I haven't seen ANYONE wearing that trend IRL though, so I'm not sure I want to be the first!
    Gina -- On the Daily Express

    1. Yeah, me neither...kate moss rocks it a lot, which I respect, but that's not really my style :)

  4. Oh dear, really? It's coming back? I was an acid wash queen in the '80's. We had to be because dark wash jeans were so '70's. Being caught in something "70's would have been a disaster back then. I really really want to say that I would never wear acid wash again but I am liking a very light blue pair of jeans at Anthropologie right now... so... who know?! Fashion can be so confusing sometimes. You think you know yourself well and then ... BAM.... you are considering wearing acid wash again. It could cause an identity crisis! ;)

    1. that's where acid wash came from?? As a back lash to dark wash...intersting :) Ok, we'll let me know if you get a pair and def take pics...i'll do the same :)

  5. Hmm I am not sure. I think it may be a cool trend, but I am a bit old to be trying this one. I have to think on this one(: Susan

    1. Yeah, it's def one of those trends that I wouldn't bother with unless you really loved are going to have to work hard to find a way to be sophisticated with it :). BTW...I love the remixing that you are doing with the stylists...what a great way to be real...we all need help/ advice or just don't feel like picking out our own outfits. I hope more women become comfortable with stylists because of it :)

  6. Normally, I say "no" to acid wash, but that jacket is kind of cute...

  7. I definitely think it's coming back! Not as jeans though but other pieces! Totally would wear this trend!


    1. Ok, let me know how you rock it...I would love to see pics! :)

  8. I have been seeing it around but, haven't crossed over to the dark side of acid washed. I see a how to style acid wash in the future. :)


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