Monday, June 16, 2014

Pale Blue Fluted Skirt and Aqua Cardi

Loft Pale Blue Skirt and Aqua J. Crew Cardi
Hi Ladies,
While I'm working on this post, I'm sitting on my bed watching "Siberian Tiger Quest" by Nature (on Netflix). It's about a Korean man who left his wife and kids and went to live in a pit in Sibera to study tigers. (Yes, it was of his own volition. No, he was not being paid to do this. Yes, this is the same Siberia that felled Napoleon's army.) He said it was minus 30 degrees outside and inside, and all he bought to eat were 300 bags of cooked rice, nuts and a container of salt. He stayed in the pit for 3 months before he saw any tigers and then stayed another 4 months video taping them. One night, a family who's matriarch he'd named "Bloody Mary" (pause),  jumped on the roof of his pit and broke through trying to get at him. Then suddenly they left...

While I admire the man's fearlessness and determination, and realize that this awesome documentary couldn't have been made w/o his sacrifice...I can't help but wonder if he's crazy. I also can't help but feel for his poor wife, who I'm sure was simultaneously wondering if she'll ever see him again and mentally kicking him for not bringing any vegetables.

It's true that this story has nothing to doing with fashion, beauty or being petite, but I thought it was interesting. So, if you are looking for a tie-in, here it is: "Be bold!". (But not too bold...Siberia is really cold and he could've wound up as an appetizer for Bloody Mary and her 3 cubs.)

Loft Pale Blue Skirt and Aqua J. Crew Cardi

Loft Pale Blue Skirt and Aqua J. Crew Cardi

Loft Pale Blue Skirt and Aqua J. Crew Cardi

Loft Pale Blue Skirt and Aqua J. Crew Cardi

J Crew Factory Necklace

(This exact skirt is no longer available, so I've provided alternatives.)

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  1. Beautiful pastel combination. And works so well with cream and tanned accessories!

    Check my latest giveaway, hun :)


    1. Thank you...I did...I wish I lived in UK so I could take advantage of it :(

  2. OK, the Siberian tiger guy is just crazy! I lack the adventure gene that makes people want to do stuff like that. I would, however, wear something somewhat bold. :) This color palette looks incredible on you!
    Gina -- On the Daily Express

    1. Yeah....I'll keep my study of tigers to wearing cool animal prints (vegan animal prints, of course!) :)

  3. The color looks stunning on you! I love it with the pops of neon! Hope you had a great weekend!


  4. Beautiful colors in your outfit, the necklace is fabulous. Sounds like and interesting documentary. Fascinating, but you do kinda have to wonder if there were not a couple screws- loose in that man's head.

    1. Yeah...bless his heart, but I think I'd freak out on him if he were my son or husband...he'd worry me to death! :)

  5. LOL, yes I agree be bold! Cute outfit, love mint green! Have a happy Monday!

  6. This is a beautiful outfit. I just love the colors on you and your white top is adorable. Really great spring look!


  7. I agree with Gina- this is very you! And I wish one day you would land upon the KS heels I'm wearing today because they would be perfect with this. And every outfit... And PS I got your email- totally brainstorming for you and will reply when my world stops spinning! Http://

    1. You are talking about your blue bow heels? I know...those heels would be perfect!!! No rush on the email...whenever you get a chance! :)

  8. I love this look! It's very summery, very chic and ladylike and effortless.

  9. Lol, that is a crazy story! I love this outfit on you! The mint color is so pretty and I love the necklace!

    Nicole to the Nines

    1. Thank you...I just had to share's crazy!

  10. The wife was probably so annoyed with him that I bet she wished the Tiger would just go ahead and eat him so she could get on with her life. At least that's what I'd be thinking if I were her!
    You did the Nancy Drew hair again! Love this look on you! The pale blue is so pretty!

    1. Thank you! Yeah, she probably wished the tiger would finish him off so she could find someone who was "around the house" a bit more :)

  11. I love the fluted skirt - a fun mix between a pencil and an a-line. The pastels are working for you too!
    Chic on the Cheap

  12. Yeah, sorry, I'm not going anywhere near Siberia. Granted I hate the heat but I haaaaaate the cold! And wild tigers, that would be annoying too, hehe.

    1. Yeah, it would be totally annoying when they try to eat you :) and then all those bags of rice...I'm a carbolic, but I don't even think I could do that :)

  13. Great classic look, it fits you well and the color is beautiful.
    The material of the shirt looks sheer.

    1. Thank you! :) I know...the shirt is sheer and I think it looks even more sheer in the pictures.


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