Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Should you Follow the Directions on your Makeup Kit?

Hi Ladies,
So, being the makeup newbie that I am, I'm always looking for makeup advice. However, I'm often skeptical of following instructions in makeup kits because one size doesn't fit all. Also, I have hooded eyes, so when all my "average-lidded" girlfriends in high school could swipe on shimmery eyeshadow and look cute, the same makeup made me look like an over-done child prostitute. As if a MAC store had exploded all over my face! To this day, when I hear of Asian girls getting surgery to create deeper eyelids, I'm thinking "Why? Your eyelids are so cute like they are! Go swipe on some metallic eyeshadow and rejoice!". I know...I know...this diatribe proves that everyone thinks the grass is greener on the other side, but for the next decade I avoided any makeup that wasn't mascara or lipgloss. I only decided to give makeup another try earlier this year out of boredom. Thank goodness it worked out, because otherwise this would have been a very different kind of blog...LOL.
Anyway, take care and let me know what you think of my new look. :)

I followed these instructions to a 'T' and here's the outcome.... (Drum roll please!)

Ta Dah!
(Queue the whistling and the clapping!)
Ok, seriously, have a great day! :)

This Makeup Kit is the Studio Gear Cosmetics Holiday Smokey Eye Palette. You can receive a 10% discount by using the code: SGHOLIDAY. (Disclosure: All opinions in this blog are my own, however I did receive this kit from Studio Gear to review. Fun! Fun!)

Style Elixir
 photo sslinkatss4fif6_zps86357846.jpgPerfectly Coutured


  1. Impressive work! You definitely have makeup skills and I cannot believe you only tried makeup earlier this year "out of boredom!" That's amazing. P.S. I love your expression in your first photo- LOL!!!
    On the Daily Express

  2. Ha Ha...Thanks...I thought it was funny too :)

  3. This looks great on you! Glad you decided to give it a go, ha. I'm not very experimental with makeup either, but I wish I was!

    Corinne x

  4. I love this smoky eye, so pretty! I need to start experimenting with new eyeshadow looks! Thanks for sharing with Three-fer Thursday!

    xo Bethany

    1. Thanks for hosting...they r always so much fun!

  5. hi Merrie! Glad to see you doing a great effort on your applying the make up. I would have it all over the place. lol

    Thanks for joining "Fashion item Friday"! That is awesome of you!!!♥

  6. Makes me want to experiment more with eye makeup. I have this weird notion of always rubbing my eyes... forgetting i have makeup on

    1. Yes you should...if I can learn then anyone can! :)

  7. I got that palette too and I love it! Thanks for linking up for Look What I Got. Hope to see you back tomorrow!
    Penniless Socialite
    Kate Spade Giveaway!

  8. I suck at applying eye shadow makeup. I will definitely give this a try. Thank you for linking up with #beautybuzz!!!


    1. Yeah, it's tough, but I just go with the '2 year old with finger paint' method and it seems to work out :)


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