Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Highlights For Lazy Ladies - Ombre

Hi Ladies,
What do you think? I just got these highlights about a month ago, but haven't had a chance to post about them yet. My stylist used the Balayage technique, which produces an Ombre effect. I call this the "lazy" look because the roots are painted a color similar to your natural one, so when they grow out you can't tell the difference! That color then gradually blends into a lighter one until you get to the lightest color at the ends. Mine are pretty subtle, but if you look at the pictures below, you'll see that they can do some really cool things.

Have you tried any interesting hair colors before? Anyone considering color?

Here are some more examples:

(The photo of me was taken by Bree Hamilton of Bree Hamilton Photography. I don't have the sources for the celebrity pictures; they are from around the web.)

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 photo Jan17FFF_zpsa378bdc8.jpg
Friday's Fab Favorites Link Up:
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  1. The new hair color definitely looks fabulous! As does your wrap dress. :) I am pretty unadventurous when it comes to my hair but I try to think of it as having a signature style. That sounds a little more positive. :)
    On the Daily Express

    1. LOL...yes, that is definitely the right way to spin it! Just like buying multiple items in different colors isn't's consistent! :)

    2. I like the way you ladies are thinking...signature style and consistent. Sign me up under those labels. Love the highlights and I love the wrap dress AND I especially love the accessory you are holding in your hand. My kind of moment!!!

      Have a lovely day!

    3. reference to my "accessory"...I like the way YOU are thinking! :)

  2. The ombre looks amazing on you! I have contemplated trying it but I'm so chicken when it comes to my hair!! I always have these great ideas and then freak out when I get to the salon and do my usual trim haha!

    1. Haha...I know that feeling before you get a major change...there's always a little voice in the back of my head that says I'm going to regret this...:) But all the times that I've used a trusted stylist, i never do.

  3. I am digging the ombre effect - I think it looks great and there's a lot less upkeep!

  4. If only I could do this ombre look, it's so pretty! I've got jet black hair, so any color would mean bleaching and I just can't do that to my tresses.

    Following you on facebook!


    1. I hear that! Although, the first time I got it they did them without bleach. It wasn't as light as this picture, but it was still visible and cute. Just an idea :)

  5. Love the highlights and love your outfit:) Hope you have a great weekend!

  6. these are some great links! really liking your outfit too!
