Monday, November 18, 2013

5 Easy Steps to Update your Wardrobe Through the Season (Winter Shopping Haul!!!)

Obsessed with Oxblood!
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Hi Ladies,
So, as you know, I started the fall season off with a Fall 2013 Capsule Wardrobe. I selected red as my primary color and added a few coordinating colors of Navy, Mustard and Winter Green. I loved that color combination, but had an issue when stores started releasing new items. What to do when you find other items to fall in love with, but you want to keep the clothes you've already own?
Well, not to fear :) don't have to commit to one color palette for the whole season! See my 5 easy steps to update your wardrobe without upending your budget!
  1. Pick a new color palette that will coordinate with at least some of the colors from the first capsule. For this one, I've chosen oxblood, which is still very hot this year, it coordinates with every color from my first capsule, except for red.
  2. Go Shopping! But only buy items that coordinate with each other and the items you want to continue to wear in your current fall wardrobe.
  3. Give the sale racks a good once over! You may have passed over something at the beginning of the year that now looks fantastic with your new palette, plus it's probably on deep discount! Case in point, every item I bought was on sale, plus had an additional discount, with the exception of the pumps and necklace (they were 30% and 40% off respectively).
  4. Dig through that pile of clothes that you never wear (we've all got one) and see if there are any wardrobe orphans that will work with your new palette. I was able to find 2 blouses in a golden brown pattern that i barely wore last year!
  5. Have Fun!

Keep checking back...beginning in the next post, I will show how I mix and match these pieces!

P.S. Here are other articles on building a wardrobe from some of my favorite bloggers:


  1. Great picks! Love that striped knit blazer. Thanks for linking up on my blog :)
    the way to my Hart

    1. Thanks for the feedback Jessica...let's keep in touch! - See more at:


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