Monday, September 28, 2015

How much do you spend on clothes? | September Clothing Budget

How much do you spend on clothes? | September Clothing Budget | Curvy Outfit Ideas | Petite Outfit Ideas | Plus Size Fashion | Fall Fashion | OOTD | Professional Casual Chic Fashion and Style Inspiration

Hi Ladies,
This was a really, really bad shopping month for me. Eew! Retailers make it so hard to behave in September. First, when the seasons change, all your summer clothes suddenly suck. Second, they put the cutest styles out at the beginning of Fall. It's like going to a carnival and not buying any cotton candy or funnel cakes. It's impossible!

On top of this, I made a slight mis-calculation regarding the eShakti skirts I bought in July. I ordered them a little snug expecting to loose a little weight and then they would fit perfectly. you can guess, these were famous last words. I didn't loose the weight and now I have a ton of skirts that don't fit me. But hey, if I ever get a tape worm, I'll be one step ahead of the game!

In addition, I needed some comfortable daily shoes. If you remember from last year, I rocked what I hope was the "cute athletic look" through the fall and winter. Being horizontal for much of the day, made this the perfect outfit. However, now that I'm a Personal Stylist, I need to look clean and respectable, therefore I had to step up the sneakers.

As you can see below, I emptied the bank this month. Therefore, I'm going to have to rethink my shopping strategy. I had originally allocated $100 a month, but now I'm going to switch to a seasonal budget. This is how I've managed my shopping budget for the last 5 years and I think it's the best way. I need the flexibility to buy things when I need them or they are on a sale, yet I have to stick to a budget. Plus, anything I buy during early fall where get much more wear than stuff I buy in late winter. I'm working on figuring out the budget and will let you know next month.

Let's see how I did:
  • Old Navy Jewelry (not available online, but post coming soon!) $50 
  • Old Navy Clothing (all pieces were 30-40% off) $247
  • Alterations (8 pieces) $160
  • Shoes (2 pairs of walking shoes) $320
  • J. Crew Factory Cardigan (4 colors, 40% off) $80
TOTAL = $857  (OMG!!!)

Talking Shop w/ my Angel:

Me: Oh My Gosh! Oh My Gosh! What did I do? Who's responsible for this? Heads are gonna roll. Somebody is at fault here and it's NOT me! <heavy panting>

Annoying Angel on Shoulder: Ok, ok...get a grip. If I had hands instead of wings, I'd smack you. You are an adult. You set the budget and control the purse strings...nobody possessed you.

Me: But I didn't know! How could I have possibly spent that much in a month??

The Angel: Well, if you had kept track of your purchases instead of waiting until today to tally them up then you wouldn't be here.

Me: But I hate tallying things up. Especially clothing. It takes all the fun out of shopping!

The Angel: So, I guess we'll be having this conversation again next month?

Me: <sounding annoyed> No, don't say that! You don't know me. I'm gonna fix this. I just need to think. BTW, I didn't know Angels were allowed to be sarcastic. Isn't that frowned upon Up There?

The Angel: That's right, that's right...put the focus on me. I'm not the one with a shopping problem.

Me: <exploding> YOU wear the same thing every day!! Are you telling me that you don't get reimbursed for all those white gowns? I bet you don't even have to dry clean them. I bet Mother Nature just snaps her fingers and takes care of it. At the very least, they are tax deductible and I know you don't have pay room and board, plus it's not like you have to worry about seasons....

The Angel: Um. <loudly clearing throat> You are starting to ramble.
Me: <more deep breathing> That's because YOU AREN'T HELPING ME! Ok, ok...get a grip, Merrie. You can fix this. Just tune her out and focus on the problem. You haven't committed to anything; it's not a mortgage.

<Merrie then hits submit on her post, brushes off her shoulder and walks into the closet.>

Me: <While stroking her clothes> Babies, firstly Mommy wants you to know that she loves you all very much. Each of you will always have a special place in her heart, but sometimes Mommies have to make difficult choices. Sometimes, due to the falling price of the Euro, the stock pilling of oil in Saudi Arabia and wild speculation in the housing market, Mommies are put in tough positions. Sometimes Mommies have to make a choice for the greater good. <sob> What I'm trying to say is that some of you are going to have to go back to the store. <loud crying can be heard coming from closet>

The Angel: That's pathetic.


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  1. In Calif .. all the fall stuff is out but it's like 80 degrees so who wants to buy a sweater? When it's March - it'll be colder and then all the spring stuff will be out ~ can't win :-P


    1. Monica - I also live in CA and am getting scared that it might never ever get cool again! This heat is relentless lately! Maybe by the time we are ready to buy sweaters they will all be on sale! Fingers crossed.

    2. Yeah, when I lived in Arizona, it was the same thing. I would go ahead and buy winter stuff and force myself to wear it in 90 degree weather. (I don't reccomend

  2. Cute post Merrie. Okay, I'm getting my Old Navy game together!

  3. LOL - I can't stop laughing over your conversation with your sarcastic angel. So sorry that some of your stuff has to go back. They're clothes - they'll get over it - and find a new home with someone else just as lovely. ;)
    I like the idea of a seasonal budget. Seems more manageable somehow.

    1. Yea, she often pops in to "help" me. :) babies...

  4. Haha LOLing at your internal conversation. I think you got some great stuff for your money! The labor day sales got me!

    1. That's what it was!!! The labor day sales. I forgot about that. I did so much damage that wknd. Thanks!

  5. I was really bad this month as well - and it's not even over yet. This is the time of year I really try to tell myself it can wait until a great Black Friday sale. So many places have already been having great 50% off sales on some real classics which I have completely fallen victim to - eeek here, too! You got some great stuff though. Can't wait to see how you style everything! XO


    1. Thanks :) Oh gosh, don't mention that Sept isn't over yet. I can't afford for it not to be :)

  6. Oh I agree about September! I totally went a little (maybe twice??) over my budget! Need to reel back in October a bit.

    1. Ok, let's try to keep each other in line for the rest of the season. Sigh...

  7. It's so easy to spend money at Old Navy :)

  8. Hahaha, I love the Angel conversation. Personally, I don't tally mine up until the end of the month, but I write down what I've purchased and how much it was in a draft blog post to make writing the post at the end of the month easier. Even without tallying everything up, just seeing it reminds me how much I've purchased and keeps me pretty in check. Some months I make the decision that it's worth it to go over, but it balances out so I'm okay with that.

    1. That's a good least you don't have number shock at the end of the month!

  9. I enjoyed the conversation you had with your shopping angel and found it to be humorous, because I'm sure I've had the same conversation myself! Overspending can be easy to fall into, so I'm glad you're finding a happy medium. It's definitely better to enjoy your purchases than regret all the time!

    1. So true...mine often sounds like my mother! :) Thanks for stopping by!


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