Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Surf's Up Vox Box Review

Hi Ladies,
I received a Vox Box from Influenster with products to review. I thought I'd share my favorite ones. :)

First Aid Shot Therapy

I really liked this single serving of liquid pain reliever. I suffer from migraines and my doctor always tells me to take Children's Motrin, because it's in liquid form and will be absorbed quicker. Unfortunately, it's so nasty and I have to drink so much of it that I'd rather just wait for the pills to work. (DO NOT try taking the Target brand's even worse!) Anyway, I found First Shot to have a pleasant taste...kinda like what I remember Children's Cherry Flavored Tylenol to taste like. Plus, it's adult strength, so I don't have to drink a cup of it! 

My only complaint is that in includes a pain reliever + caffeine. I know that caffeine can sometimes help migraines, but it can also trigger them. Plus, it's dehydrating. I currently have a migraine routine that works for me, but I would consider buying this if I'm out and need quick relief. It's a little pricey for regular use. I saw it in Walgreens for about $2 a bottle.

Sinflul Colors Nail Polish in Why Not

This new polish company has been getting a lot of press lately. As you can see from my pic below, Consumer Reports says it's better than a $27 bottle of Chanel polish, but is only $2!! While I did love the color, it chipped after 2 days, even though I used it with my L'Oreal Gel Laque. Maybe it was just this color, so for $2...I'd give it another try! :)

CoverGirl Bombshell Volume Mascara 

This is a 2-step "mascara system" that includes a primer. I normally don't like having to do this extra step and have yet to see any primer that made a difference. Unfortunately, this mascara won't be changing my opinion. I felt that it worked as well as the other CoverGirl Lashblast mascaras, which I really love and added a lot of volume. However, it didn't work better than the ones without primer, plus it made my lashes feel dry. It also has to be removed with an oil based remover. :( 

Have you tried any of these products?


FTC Disclaimer: All opinions expressed in this blog are my own, however if you decide to click on the links above, I may earn a commission for it. This doesn’t cost you anything additional. These commissions help to keep the rest of my content free, so thank you!


  1. I haven't tried any of these products, but the mascara looks very interesting and I'll try to find it here too :)

    Lu |

  2. Honestly, I am tired of trying mascara. My Maybelline mascara in the famous pink bottle works the best for me so I have stopped looking. So bummed that you get migraines on a consistent basis. I don't get them often but I am very happy for this tip about liquid medicine. I think I am going to get some to keep on reserve, I'm going to tell my sister about this too as she suffers from migraines quite frequently. Thank you!!!

  3. I love the nail polish colour.Thanks for the review on the mascara with primer. I've seen some and was curious. No good when the extra fuss didn't provide any benefit. xx


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