Monday, March 3, 2014

OOTD: Stripes and Sea Foam

Hi Ladies,
So, I thought I'd share a little insider information and give you a peep into what's inside my head while I'm taking these pictures. Here we go!

What I look like I'm thinking...
God, I love turquoise. I love looking at the sky and I feel at peace as I stand in the glow of the warm sun. (I smile inwardly as I feel the earth's love wash over me.)

What I'm actually thinking...
O...M...G...thank god you can't get pregnant through the air. I have never seen so many U.S.S.s (unidentified sticky stains) in one place. Who's idea was it to take pictures here?   Oooh...and some of the stains are over my head....I just washed my hair. :( I wouldn't be surprised if the entire male population of phoenix's DNA is represented in here. Ok, we can get through this (mentally I point a finger at myself)...we gotta get these pictures done and the light's frickin' gorgeous in here. It will look great with your cardi! Just bend your hand so only your palm touches the wall and clench your thighs so you don't fall over. Let's make this happen!

Hope you found this enlightening!
- Merrie 

(Photos were taken by Bree Hamilton of Bree Hamilton Photography.)

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  1. 1) Beautiful pics again and I love love the black & mint color combo. 2) Regarding your true thoughts during your photoshoot, I am giggling so hard over here. The atrocities you must suffer through to take a pretty photo!! Thank you for your sacrifice and effort. It's truly noble. No one said this blogging thing would be easy but your efforts are commendable. :) -G
    On the Daily Express

  2. Mint and Stripes is always a winner! So perfect for Spring!

  3. Just loving the mint green! SO beautiful and Spring-y!

  4. LOL at your thought! :-) The stripes and polka dots are cute together. Nice look.


  5. Too cute, the mint cardi and the necklace really complement the dress, super cute look. Great pics!

  6. Haha your thoughts are hilarious! And I was thinking "what a cool place to take photos!"

    I love the mix of stripes and dots and a little bit of mint. You look great!

  7. Stunning photos! I love the combination of stripes and dots, topped up with mint green :)


  8. Great color combo! So jealous that you can wear a dress without tights, lol.

  9. A truly ladylike outfit! The striped dress harmonizes so well with the dotted clutch.
    Happy Monday!

  10. Hahahaha! Blogging is HARD! People don't understand what we go through!!
    You do look very prim, proper, and beautiful in this outfit! One of my favorites from you! Your accessories are perfect! Thanks for linking up!

  11. You're hilarious! It was definitely worth the ordeal, the pictures came out beautiful. You have the best cardi and dress combos. This is a great look.


  12. Well - where you are sounds kind of creepy but it photographs beautifully! Ah... must suffer for art sometimes. And you look so ethereal. So pretty!

  13. I am stuck in a rut of always wearing black but I am loving the sea foam on you. Lovely for spring!

  14. Georgous photography and outfit! You look so fabulous! And omg your story made me giggle! Love this! xx

    <(") Hoda
    JooJoo Azad ~ Free Bird

  15. Looking fierce in that top pic, my fave! What a great location to shoot! The sea foam color is great on you!

  16. *...haha... besides the stains that is...


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