Monday, October 14, 2013

What to Wear with a Khaki Skirt (Fall 2013 Remix Outfit #4)

Hi Ladies,
I'm often faced with what to do with a khaki first instinct is to pull out a collared white shirt and channel Banana Republic. However neutrals are made to go with everything, so I challenged myself to wear it with color and in an unexpected way. What do you think?

(See Fall 2013 Remix: Shopping Haul! for additional details.)

Skirt (old)/ Bracelet/ Purse-Banana Republic, Top/ Necklace/ Cardigan - Nordstrom, Shoes - Ann Taylor (old)


  1. Cute top and cardigan. Nice to discover you blog, thanks for your kind message, lets try to work something out.

    1. Hi! I'm just learning how to respond to the comments, and just realized that my response wasn't sent to you. :) Thanks for your feedback..any ideas for a link up topic? I'll try to come up with something. Take care!

  2. Hi! Thank you for your feedback..any ideas for a link up topic? I'll try to come up with something. Take care!

  3. Love the bracelet which is seems powerful . The top and cardigan also worked really well . I encourage yout post more often .



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