Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tiny Dining Room Redecoration

Tiny Bright Modern Dining Room Redecoration
Hi Ladies,
Here's my tiny dining room/ pantry. As you can see, it's petite and although I have a few cabinets and ample counter space, there is no pantry!!!! So, I got this adorable cart from the container store. I used to keep it in my closet to store purses and hats, but it's perfect here. I know that some of you moms are cringing at its size, but considering that I usually only "cook"'s perfect. :)

Do you have any space saving tips for your kitchen?

Tiny Bright Modern Dining Room Redecoration

Tiny Bright Modern Dining Room Redecoration

Tiny Bright Modern Dining Room Redecoration
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  1. Merrie, you know I'm drooling over those ghost chairs, love them! You've done a good job with a small space. A wine rack is good option for a small space too!

    1. I know! When I saw them on your site, I was like "I just bought those!!!" Good idea about the wine rack...I didn't even think of that :)

  2. in small spaces you have to be creative!love the cart!


  3. You've done very well with the little details and colour accents again :)


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