Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween From Minnie!

Cute cat dressed up for halloween.

Hi Ladies,
Minnie really got into Halloween this year! She felt that if all the neighborhood doggies got to dress up, why couldn't she? So, after a quick trip to Old Navy, I outfitted her with some butterfly wings and Ta Da! Its a kitty in the front and butterfly in the back. :)

Cute cat walking on a leash
 Yes, Minnie does like to walk on a leash. Although it's probably more accurate to say that she "allows me to tag along while she goes out prowling". :)
Cute cat dressed up for halloween.

Cute cat dressed up for halloween.

Happy Halloween!

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  1. My kitties are dressing up too! So fun and I agree, if dogs can do it why can't cats? Have a great day!

    1. u have any pics? I'd luv to see them! I bet they are adorable :)

  2. Happy Halloween to Minnie! She looks adorable in her butterfly wings. Pink is definitely her color. That is so freaking awesome that she goes out on a leash!!!! Just awesome!

    1. Lol...thanks...I thought you would like these while I was shooting them :)

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