Monday, October 13, 2014

Piped Shirt and Houndstooth Flare Skirt

Hi Ladies,
It's been a crazy week! Last week, I facilitated a 3 day meeting in downtown San Francisco. I stayed downtown, so it felt like a trip. I didn't get home until Thursday at 8pm, then I had to work on Friday. Saturday was spent trying to have some fun and running errands. Now it's Sunday. I'm trying to clean my house and re-pack because tomorrow I fly to Des Moines, Iowa (the New York City of the midwest :-)). Meanwhile, my feet are killing me (I have plantar fasciitis, which basically means that because I've been ignoring my arches my whole life, my foot aches all the time.)  Plus, I've started a new medication that really messes up my sleep and increases my appetite. (I think the medical profession is out to get me, but that's story for another day.) Anyway, sorry to dump all of this on you, but that's a short sweet summary of my life. :) Oh well, but guess what?? Next weekend is right around the corner. :-)

Cranberry Cardi, Piped Shirt and Houndstooth Flare Skirt

Cranberry Cardi, Piped Shirt and Houndstooth Flare Skirt

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  1. I just saw that skirt on the Loft site and I was hoping that someone would style it! I love the cut and the fabric looks really soft! Thanks! I hope your feet get better(: Susan

    1. The fabric is really soft too...I'm actually posting on it again tmrw :)

  2. It's sounds like a very rough program indeed. I hope the medicine won't mess you up too much and you'll get back to normal soon.
    Have a good trip this week as well :)


  3. Yikes! You are so busy that to not feel well sounds like torture. I hope your trip goes well and that you feel better. Immediately.
    You look fantastic! Maybe just say Billy Crystal's line over and over - "It doesn't matter how you feel, it's how you look. And Baby! You look goooooood!

    Take care!

    1. LOL..that was the only thing getting me out of bed in the mornings :)

  4. You have been on the go girl! But you look super cute. Really love the blouse and the shoes. Be better soon and hope this weekend is awesome for you!

  5. I hope things slow down soon! I really like that top and the color of your shoes is so pretty!

    Nicole to the Nines

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