Monday, October 6, 2014

Leaf Print Skirt and Green Cardi

Leaf Print Skirt and Green Cardi

Hi Ladies, 
I haven't worn a pencil skirt in ages...not sure why. I really love this skirt! (Sorry I have that big wrinkle in the front...sigh...sometimes things don't turn out how you want them to.) How's your week been going so far? I've been going on some culinary adventures...check them out below. :)

Leaf Print Skirt and Green Cardi

I wanted to share something cool I found in the Bay Area: Korean food! In Phoenix, the closest I got to Asian food was Panda I can visit every country in Asia within 5 minutes of my house. This is the most unique thing I've had so far (called Bibimbop from Mixed Grains).
When you get the Bibimbop, it comes out like the picture above, plus you get all the little condiments below (called banchan). I asked for my egg to be "well done", but it still came out raw and wiggly looking. (I have egg issues.) I stared at it in horror until the waitress came by and mimed that I was supposed to stir everything together. Oh! The bowl is made out of heated stone, so it's like making your own fried rice. Awesome! Then I noticed that I had spare ribs, with a bone, but the restaurant only had chopsticks. How was I supposed to eat them? It turns out, as the waiter chuckled to himself, that you eat it with your hands. it!  Maybe that's obvious, or my "American-ness" was showing through, but eating food with my hands turned out to be a guilty pleasure.

Everything was delicious and I loved the banchan (the condiments). There were 12 of them. The bottom left are fried potatoes with a sweet sauce. That's seaweed above it and Kimchi is in the middle. Everything was delicious...I highly recommend Mixed Grains if you are ever in the walnut creek area. :)

Mixed Grain Restaurant: Korean Food Review Click on images below to buy:

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All opinions expressed in this blog are my own, however if you decide to click on the links above, I may earn a commission for it. This doesn’t cost you anything additional. These commissions help to keep the rest of my content free, so thank you!

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  1. love the skirt!very nice fall outfit!

  2. I love that skirt on you. You look so gorgeous!

  3. I love the pattern on your skirt! You look great in a pencil skirt! And I have never tried Korean food! You have inspired me! Looks yummy! Susan

  4. What a fun print!! Subtle, but still provides so much interest to the look!

  5. I really like this skirt! It is so pretty! Bimbimbop is one of my favorite Korean dishes. It is delicious and I wish I had a great Korean place so close to my house.

    Nicole to the Nines

    1. You traveled to Korea, right? I think that was the first post I read on your site. I bet you had a delicious time :)

  6. You look so great in pencil skirts! That Korean dish looks really good too. Your comment about having egg issues cracks me up! I hate a runny egg too. It does look pretty though - sitting on top there. Sigh - I just can't get into Kimchi.

  7. This is such a beautiful skirt, I love everything about it, very classy. Such a unique print.

  8. I think that the pencil skirt really suits you very well and you should wear such more often. I like the monochrome look and especially the print on the skirt :)



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