Monday, June 2, 2014

3 Quick Ways to Polish you Nails

How to get pretty, stress free nails
Hi Ladies,
You know I suffer from "Self-Nail-Polishing-Induced-Anxiety-Disorder". It's triggered when:
  • I try to paint close to my cuticles, but just wind up with a pool of polish.
  • My creamy polish goes on thick in some places and bald in others (Argh!)
  • I'm stuck with long periods of time between coats when my hands are useless and I can't figure out anything to do with myself. 
  • I visit the polish aisle in a drug store and am overwhelmed by the number of top coats to choose from. (Why does Sally Hensen have over 20 of them???)
As you can see, for the safety of my mental health, I had to simply things. Therefore, I bring you "Merrie's simple way to paint your nails". You can not mess these's impossible! You also don't have to think while applying them...I love it!

Credit: Janice @ GlitterGlossGarbage

I will be writing another article about these, because they have so many uses and belong in every nail wardrobe. For the purposes of this article, I love them because sheer polishes just add a hint of color, so even if you smudge them or they start getting's close enough to your natural color that you won't notice. (GlitterGlossGarbage used 3 coats for the picture above, but I usually only use two.)

Another awesome product and time saver! Don't waste your time making sure that your nails are completely clean before putting this on. Just slap it on. It's clear and somewhat glossy. You can layer it and it dries nearly immediately! When it starts to chip, just add another coat.

Ok, I haven't actually used this product. I just bought it at Sephora, but the concept fits with my personal philosophy. It produces a gel-like finish that works with any polish, lasts for many days AND you don't have to soak or buff it off! (I'll let you know once I try it.)

Well, there you go. Hopefully, you found some of this useful, or at least understand me a little better. Before I go, I want to thank Jen @ Basic Training Corporate Style for featuring my Little Black Shirt Dress in this week's Fashionably Employed Link Up!

Have a good day!

FTC Disclaimer: All opinions expressed in this blog are my own, however if you decide to click on the links above, I may earn a commission for it. This doesn’t cost you anything additional. These commissions help to keep the rest of my content free, so thank you!


  1. Gel lab base and top coat? This looks really interesting!
    My nails are usually in a terrible condition and get hold any sort of nail polish for more than a day, unless it's gel. I'm so gonna try these two!!
    Thanks for sharing, hun :)


    1. I'm excited too! I just tried it out last night, so I'll let you guys know next week :)

  2. Thanks for sharing with Little Miss Monday! Love me some polish posts. ;)

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  3. Interesting! A sheer tint that even I may not mess up?! Thank you for the tip. I am going to have to try out the sheer tint. Because I too suffer from SNPIAD!

    1. sounds even worse as an acronym...SNPIAD :) Yeah, I really love that's so easy to use.

  4. Oooh, interesting! I am always on a quest to simplify my nail routine and make the dang stuff last longer! Love hearing what other people have tried (or will try...) Very nice graphic, too!
    Gina -- On the Daily Express

  5. Thanks for the tips Merrie! I just bought Julep Oxygen Treatment for nails and I love it!! Sometimes I love color and other times I love a clear nail. It is fun to change it up a lot!! Susan

    1. Ooh, so what does oxygen treatment do? Is it like a gel coat?

  6. laughing so hard at the anxiety- I have it too! I need to try these OPI top coats/bottom coats!

    1. Yes, people don't know how real it is...I feel like i should pop a riddalin before painting my nails :)


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